Each month I need to process huge table in a system. It contains many rows that do not belong to jurisdiction. It would be nice if it would be possible extract information using WS or REST. Due there is no such possibility, then User Interface should be tweaked.
As a proposal was used greasemonkey to remove certain rows: firefox/addon/greasemonkey
This script does not use other libraries like jquery.
Be sure that you install the greasemonkey to firefox.
Include the script in greasemonkey. Click on icon to expand menu and select “New user Script”:
Copy/paste code:
// ==UserScript==
// @name My rows only
// @namespace MY_STUFF
// @include https://MY_SERVER/MY_PATH*
// @version 1
//define list of all ids that I am interested in
var myRowId = ["ID_1","ID_2","ID_3"];
//transform array to hash map to find id easier
var allRows = {};
for (var i = 0; i < myRowId.length; i++) {
//find collection of the rows element where id is
var xPathRes = document.evaluate('//tr/td[@class="CLASS_NAME_THAT_HAS_ID"]/div/span/a',
document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
//iterate trhough elements with id and if it is not in myRowId list just hide it
var i = 0;
while( (link = xPathRes.snapshotItem(i) ) != null) {
var complexIdArr =link.innerHTML.split(" ");
if(allRows[complexIdArr[0]] == null){
// ==/UserScript==
You should change xpath //tr/td[@class="CLASS_NAME_THAT_HAS_ID"]/div/span/a
to rows element that contains ids
You should fill your IDs in the format that is provided (in place of [“ID_1”,”ID_2”,”ID_3”];)
After refresh you should see only rows that contains defined id in myRowId array: